Resources for Your Next PCS
by PCSgrades Staff - September 27th, 2021

“PCS” may sound like it should be a four-letter word, but with the right resources (and mindset!), a Permanent Change of Station can be the greatest adventure of your life. From opportunities to travel the world to making life-long friendships at your new duty station, a move doesn’t have to be so daunting.
PCSing can be a language all to itself, so to help you on your way, here are some frequently used terms and our favorite resources to ease the burden. You’ll be speaking fluent PCS in no time!
Frequently used PCS terms:
BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing): How much you’re given for housing at your duty station. This number is set by the government every year and varies depending on rank, family size, and location. You can calculate your BAH here.
COLA (Overseas Cost of Living Adjustment): COLA is a non-taxable allowance designed to offset the higher overseas prices of non-housing goods and services, i.e., a $13 artichoke in Guam.
CONUS (Continental United States) move: A move within the 48 continental states (excludes Alaska and Hawaii).
DITY (Do It Yourself) move: Officially referred to as a PPM (personally procured move) now, a DITY or PPM move is just like all those crafts you find on Pinterest, you’re doing it all on your own. There are some perks to this, of course, and some cons too. Do your homework to determine if you want to do a full military move, a partial DITY, or a PPM.
DLA (Dislocation Allowance): A benefit given to you to offset dislocation expenses like shipping a vehicle, a pet, even deep-cleaning your house before a big move.
Express shipment (also referred to as unaccompanied baggage): A gift the government gives you when moving overseas, the express shipment allows you to pack a certain amount of things that will arrive much sooner than your household goods.
GTCC (Government Travel Credit Card): Having a GTCC allows the service member to put move related expenses directly on the card, instead of paying out-of-pocket and seeking reimbursement.
HHG (household goods): Your worldly belongings which your packers will pack and ship, should you choose them to.
OCONUS (Outside Continental United States) move: A move to Alaska, Hawaii, or overseas.
Per diem: The rate set by the government to cover your daily expenses during a move or temporary duty assignment. Per diem covers your hotel/lodging and your meals. You might also hear “M&IE” which is “meals and incidental expenses.”
Pro-Gear Allotment: A separate weight allowance for shipment for equipment related to the service member's and spouse’s profession. Photographer? All that camera and lighting equipment adds up! Your pro-gear allotment will cover it.
TLA (Temporary Lodging Allowance): This allowance covers up to five days in CONUS before your OCONUS move and up to 60 days after your move. Be sure you understand what you’re allowed before you book that hotel without authorization.
TLE (Temporary Lodging Expense): This allowance can cover up to 10 days of temporary lodging for CONUS moves before or after your PCS. Just like TLA, be sure you understand what you’re allowed before you book that hotel without authorization.
Transportation allowance: What you’re given for moving your vehicles, based on your mileage.
Weight Allotment: Sounds like something we should adhere to during Thanksgiving dinner, but alas it is the poundage you’re entitled to move and seek reimbursement for. As with most things, this number is determined by the service member’s rank and the number of dependents.
Now that you know the language, here are some of our favorite resources for your move: - Now a part of MilitaryOneSource, is where you’ll need to start your adventure. Run, don’t walk to get your move scheduled as soon as you have orders. You can always update your address later, but get your move date on the books as soon as possible through the Defense Personal Property System (DPS), found on
Joint Travel Regulations - This little number might sound like great reading for an insomniac wanting to sleep, but it is chock-full of helpful information, like your moving benefits and entitlements based on the service member’s rank and number of dependents.
BAH calculator - Knowing how much you’ll have to spend on housing is pretty critical. Using our BAH calculator is a great way to help plan your budget.
Overseas Moving FAQs, to include such critical questions as, “Can I pack my wine?”
Installation Programs & Services - With everything from local library listings and loan lockers to phone numbers for the Child Development Center on base, the installation program listing is a very helpful place for you to find the numbers you need for your new duty station.
Tax breaks for non-reimbursed expenses - Understand what you can claim with the IRS for your PCS.
PCSgrades - We know we’re a little biased, but there really is no better resource for you. From reviews by military families for military families to our comprehensive area guides, everything you need to know about a PCS is right here, on