6 Ways to Keep Kids Busy After a Summer PCS Move
by Julie Provost - August 5th, 2022

You just moved into your new home; you don’t know a soul, and your kids don’t know anyone else. However, summer is here, and they want to play. You want to unpack and organize, but you are not sure what to do with your kids. Here are some tips to help keep your kids busy post-PCS.
1. Explore your new area
Get out there and explore with your kids. You are in a brand new city you probably don’t know anything about. Get out there and learn about where you now live. Look at guides on your duty station, read articles on kid friendly places to go, and talk to friends who have lived there before to help get you started.
2. Go to the parks, every day
Parks always have kids at them. They will be the ideal way for your kids to make friends during the summer. You might also be able to meet others too. Just keep going back to the parks, let the kids play, and be friendly with the other adults you meet there. If the parks are in your own neighborhood, you will increase the chances of meeting people who live right near you.
There are additional tips on a kid-friendly summer post-PCS in this article.
3. Use your GPS!
If you have a car, use it. Look things up, use that GPS. Learn your way around your new city and find fun things you can do. Don’t be afraid to get lost. Sometimes getting lost can lead you to the best locations. Although new roads in a new city can feel overwhelming at first, getting out there with your kids means you will become more familiar with them, and have a better chance of enjoying your new home.
4. Walk your neighborhood
If you don’t have a car, walk your neighborhood. Let the kids ride their bikes or scooters. Smile at your neighbors and see what is going on. You will learn about where the parks are, how far away school is, who else has kids and/or dogs, and anything else worth learning about your new home. This also burns the extra energy the kids have during the summer.
If the kids are bored, use the ideas here to make the most of the end of summer!
5. Look for events
Figure out what events are going on, both in your on-base and off-base communities. The PCSgrades blog frequently posts articles on local events and activities. There could be free ice cream events for the kids; stroller walks for the moms, or movies in the park. Any event would be a chance to get out there and connect with others while doing something fun with your kids.
6. Dive into crafting
If you are still not finding enough to do in your community, work on new crafts with your kids at home. If you have any DIY projects you wanted to work on yourself, see how the kids can help. They also might want to make something special for their new room. Check out free classes at craft shops like Michael's, or participate in building weekend crafts at The Home Depot. You can also go to Pinterest for ideas and get planning.
The main things are to avoid summer boredom and find things to do. When you are new to an area, that can be difficult at first. With some planning and an adventurous spirit, you and your kids can have a good summer, exploring and getting to know your new home.